Sacred Spaces

We have a number of sacred spaces available for all our staff and students to access.


The Chapel

The Chapel is in the middle of the Campus and offers a wonderful bright space. It is reserved for personal silence and meditation each weekday 08.00-12.00.

The Anchorage

The Anchorage meditation space, adjacent to the chapel, is for individual and small group contemplative practice.

Muslim Prayer Room

The Muslim Prayer Room is located at the rear of Winton Building



There are many quiet green spaces scattered everywhere. Download the Green Spaces app and visit them all in the company of a variety of meditations and suggestions for yoga poses.


There is a a projectable labyrinth in the University Chapel. This is available at set times each week for individual use and bookable for teaching groups by arrangement. 


Opening in early 2020 this stunning circular space will host personal and group meditation.


The Cosmic Walk, researched and designed by Professor Lisa Isherwood and Dr Megan Clay, travels along a single path through a garden of sculptures and paintings. Visitors are invited to engage with embodied spirituality and theology by placing themselves within the story of the Cosmos and reflecting on the relationships of the Divine with all that lives on the planet.
The Cosmic Walk is located at the West Downs Quarter of the University.