Continuous Professional Development


Our Future Students team are available to support teachers and careers advisers with advice activities relating to Higher Education.

Teachers and Advisers

With all the changes taking place in higher education and across post 16 education more broadly we appreciate it can be difficult to keep up. We are keen to offer sessions to tutors and teachers to support training days and CPD meetings taking place at your school or college. Previous activities we have delivered include, reference writing guidance, applying to university with vocational qualifications and support for promoting specific subjects.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Compact Partners' Meeting

If your school/college has a Compact Partnership Agreement with the University of Winchester, you are invited to join us, where we will provide you with information on how our Compact Scheme has performed for your students so far this year, and ask you for feedback and suggestions about how our scheme can continue to work in the best interests of your students.

If you would like to discuss becoming a partner school/college contact

SUN - National Collaborative Outreach Programme

The Southern Universities Network (SUN) is a collaborative partnership comprising HE providers in Hampshire, Dorset and the Isle of Wight. The SUN provides outreach activities for schools and colleges and is part of the National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP). The network works with schools and colleges to encourage young people to make informed choices about their future options, including increasing awareness of the benefits of higher education. The University of Winchester, as part of this project, offers training and events for those working in schools. For more information see the SUN Outreach website


Collaboration with NetSixthForm demonstrates our focus on working with Heads of Sixth Forms across the country. They provide a wealth of free information via newsletters and resources. We regularly contribute to the Head of Sixth Form Conferences, please visit NetSixthForm for further details.