5 minutes with ... Emma Kirkby

16 Jan 2019

What are you up to these days?

I currently work for Scholastic UK, managing sales of our trade titles in Latin America. I’ve been here for just over a year now; time flies!

Favourite uni memory

It’s hard to pick just one, but if we’re setting aside drunken transgressions (making our own slip-n-slide with washing-up liquid in the corridor and a blow-up bed being one), I’d have to say creating a character based only on a pebble. I got so attached to this little rock and the character I created from it. I still have it in my cupboard!

Advice for new students

Don’t be afraid to share your work! It’s hard to put yourself out there, but only by sharing will you improve. The feedback I received from lecturers and coursemates alike was invaluable in developing my writing style, and gave me untold confidence.

Best thing about UoW

Aside from the beautiful campus and extensive study space, UoW has a strong sense of community. I mixed with people I never thought I would, and was supported every step of the way. I’m proud to call myself a UoW alumnus and I always want to keep in touch with the uni.

Guilty pleasure

Hats. I own over 30 hats and still want more. Nothing better than a swanky new hat if you ask me!

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