5 minutes with ... Grace Latter

18 Jan 2019


What are you up to these days?

These days I’m blogging, hosting book events, guest lecturing, freelance writing, and managing social media accounts for small businesses.

Favourite Uni memory

I got a first in my Creative Writing ECP, which was a YA novella. That was super special not just because it bumped me up to a VERY tidy 2:1 overall AND convinced me I could someday be a YA author, but because I’d typed it all up one-handed (long story) - puts trumpet down - also, I loved workshopping pieces in seminars; eating biscuits and swapping ideas with my fellow crazy creatives (that includes Glenn, Vanessa and Kass) and getting new ideas every time!

Advice for new students

New students - congrats on starting your new lives in Winch! My big bits of advice for you would be: say yes to new things (if they’re safe, that is), step a little out of your comfort zone in your work - especially in writing - but never put too much pressure on yourself. Also, always ask the lovely lecturers for help if you need it.

Best thing about The University of Winchester?

Best thing about UoW!? The unique community feel, for sure. And the fact that its Creative Writing course is among the best in the UK. And the inexplicable roof-sheep.

Guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasure at uni was disgustingly sweet lattes in lectures, and the cheesy, fancy dressed brilliance that was BOP! every Wednesday night.

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