5 minutes with… Clare Holman-Hobbs

10 Jan 2019

What are you up to these days?

I'm currently a Thrive Teaching Assistant at a primary school. Thrive aims to help young children develop socially and emotionally.

Favourite Uni memory

My favourite uni memory was probably all the weird stuff we did in the name of creativity! Doing meditation in one of our seminars comes to mind but we ended up doing all sorts, role-playing police officers, making short films, doing "something we'd never done before" which for me was staying up for 24 hours straight and then writing about the experience! We also had a lot of laughs in the seminars, with our tutors too. We were all great friends so lots of interesting discussion and jokes were had!

Advice for new students

My advice for students would be to be open-minded to all experiences surrounding the university experience. It can be difficult sometimes, but some of my best memories have been when I put myself out of my comfort zone! (see: pulling an all-nighter - I love my sleep!) So ultimately: be brave! Bravery is being scared of something but doing it anyway.

Best thing about The University of Winchester

The best thing about UoW was the other students and tutors on my course. We were all brought together because of our love of all things creative, and talking/working with like-minded people every day is such a blessing. It might not ever happen again! The library is pretty awesome, too.

Guilty pleasure

It's tough to think about a guilty pleasure because I don't consider any of my pleasures to be guilty. I'm very confident in the justification of all my pleasures. But if I really had to think of one I'd say that I love nothing more than an all singing, all dancing musical!

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