Modern Slavery

The University's Financial Regulations, Procurement Policy and Procedures and Ethical Investment Policy state our commitments to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities, along with making continuous improvements in this area.


Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024 is designed to satisfy the requirements of Part 6 Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act (2015). The University's Financial Regulations, Procurement Policy and Procedures and Ethical Investment Policy state our commitments to the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our activities, along with making continuous improvements in this area. The University does not engage in, or condone, the practices of human trafficking, slavery or forced labour.

As a values driven institution, our values underpin all that we do.  We promote a community where all individuals matter, where wellbeing is paramount and pastoral care is of the highest quality, where we are driven by our pursuit of social justice and the common good, and where people, the planet, and all living things are held in the highest regard. We are committed to improving our business practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and to ensure that we are not complicit in any human rights violations. We are committed to zero tolerance of slavery and human trafficking or child labour practices.

Our supply chains

The University's supply chains predominantly fall within the following categories:

The University is a member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) which has also published its own Modern Slavery Statement. We channel in excess of 30% of the value of our addressable spend through SUPC and other agreements arranged by higher education and public sector purchasing consortia or frameworks. The particular business and supply chains which may pose particular risks in terms of slavery are in IT and AV equipment, construction, and uniform/clothing supplies.

Our campus services are almost entirely in-sourced and the University has made a commitment to honouring the Living Wage for all our employees, full time or fractional.

The University is committed to making sure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or in any part of the University’s business. We continue to develop our policies and procedures to reflect our commitment to acting sustainably, ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We continue to develop, implement and enforce effective procurement systems, processes and controls to make sure child labour, slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our supply chains.

The University mitigates the risk of modern slavery occurring in its workforce by ensuring that directly employed staff are recruited by following robust HR recruitment policies. There is a whistleblowing policy in place for members of staff to raise any concerns about wrongdoing by the University. Staff employed on a temporary staff basis via agencies are only recruited through established sources who can provide assurance that they comply fully with the requirements of legislation relating to the rights and welfare of their candidates and employees.

Our Ethical Investment policy has been developed to reflect our commitment to ensuring that our investments are not complicit in any human rights violations, in so far as possible.  To this extent the University does not knowingly invest directly or indirectly in organisations that breach human or animal rights or that are in breach of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Our Modern Slavery Statement will be reviewed on an annual basis.


Modern Slavery Statement 2025