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Rachel is Reader in Psychology. She read Psychology at University of Wales, Swansea, graduating with an upper second class BSc (Hons) Psychology in 1998. Between 1999 and 2002 Rachel conducted her PhD studies on the Performance of Older Witnesses on Identification Lineups, supervised by Professor Ray Bull and Professor Aldert Vrij. In September 2002 she was appointed as a Lecturer in Psychology at Kingston University prior to moving to London South Bank University as a Senior Lecturer in September 2005. As part of this role she developed and ran a highly innovative and successful MSc Investigative Forensic Psychology course. She was appointed as Reader in Psychology at LSBU in 2011.

Rachel moved to the University of Winchester in January 2015 where she became the Faculty Coordinator for Postgraduate Research. From 2016 to 2022 she was Head of the Department of Psychology. 

Higher Education Teaching Qualification: Higher Education Academy Fellowship (FHEA).

Areas of expertise

Eyewitness Memory

Vulnerable Witnesses

Witness Interviewing

Eyewitness Identification


Parsons, B, Wilcock, R. & Kneller, W. (2021) Criminal Justice Practitioners’ perceptions of eyewitnesses with anxiety and depression. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology

Henry, L.A., Crane, L.A., Millmore, A., Nash, G., & Wilcock, R. (2021). Intermediaries and cross examination resilience in children: The development of a novel experimental methodology. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35 (6), 1387-1404

Crossland, D. Kneller, W. & Wilcock, R. (2021). Mock Juror Perceptions of Intoxicated Eyewitness Credibility. The Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology

Crossland, D., Kneller, W. & Wilcock, R. (In press). Improving intoxicated witness recall with the enhanced cognitive interview. Psychopharmacology 237, 2213-2230

Henry, L.A., Crane, L. Fesser, E., Harvey, A., Palmer, L. & Wilcock, R.  (2020). The narrative coherence of witness transcripts in children on the autism spectrum. Research in Developmental Disorders, 96

Waterhouse, G.F., Ridley, A.M., Bull, R., & Wilcock, R. (2020). A study space analysis for multiple interviewing of child witnesses. Child Abuse Review

Waterhouse, G.F., Ridley, A.M., Bull, R., & Wilcock, R. (2020). Mock juror reactions to multiple interview presentation and rapport-building. Psychology, Crime & Law, 26, 186-205.

Wilcock, R.A., Crane, L.A., Nash, G., Hobson, Z.  Kirke-Smith, M. & Henry, L.A. (2019). Eyewitness identification in child witnesses on the autism spectrum.  Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 66

Crane, L.A., Wilcock, R., Maras, K., Chui, W., Marti-Sanchez, C. & Henry, L.A. (2018). Mock juror perceptions of child witnesses with autism spectrum: The impact of providing diagnostic labels and information about autism.  Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

Crossland, D., Kneller, W. & Wilcock, R. (2018).  Intoxicated Eyewitnesses: Prevalence and Procedures according to England’s Police Officers. Psychology, Crime and Law, 24,  979-997.

Waterhouse, G.F., Ridley, A.M., Bull, R., LaRooy, D.J., & Wilcock, R. (2018). Mapping repeated interviews. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology.  34, 1-18.

Henry, L.A., Crane, L., Nash, G., Hobson, Z., Kirke-Smith, M., & Wilcock, R. (2018). Response to ‘No evidence against sketch reinstatement of context, verbal labels or registered intermediaries. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2597-2599

Wilcock, R., Crane, L., Hobson, Z., Nash, G., Kirke-Smith, M., & Henry, L.A. (2018). Short Paper. Supporting child witnesses during identification lineups: exploring the effectiveness of Registered Intermediaries. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1-9.

Henry, L.A., Messer, D., Wilcock, R., & Crane, L. (2017). Do measures of memory, language, and attention predict eyewitness memory in children with and without autism spectrum disorder? Autism and Developmental Language Impairments, 2, 1-17.

Henry, L.A., Crane, L., Nash, G., Hobson, Z., Kirke-Smith, M. & Wilcock, R. (2017). Verbal, visual and intermediary support for child witnesses with autism during investigative interviews. Journal of Autsiam and Developmental Disorders, 47, 2348-2362.

Aihio, N., Frings, D., Wilcock, R., and Burrell, P. (2017) Crime victims’ demographics inconsistently relate to self-reported vulnerability. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24, 379-391.

Waterhouse, G., Ridley, A. M., Bull, R., LaRooy, D. & Wilcock, R. (2016) Dynamics of repeated interviews with children. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 713-721.

Crossland, D., Kneller, W., & Wilcock, R. (2016). Intoxicated witnesses: testing the validity of the Alcohol Myopia Theory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 270-281.

Smith-Spark, J.H and Bartimus, J. and Wilcock, Rachel (2016) Mental time travel ability and the mental reinstatement of context for crime witnesses. Consciousness and Cognition, 48, 1-10.

Reavey, P., Wilcock, R., Brown, S., Batty, R., & Fuller, S. (2016). Legal professionals and witness statements from people with a suspected mental health diagnosis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 46, 94-102.

Ridley, A., Van Rheede, J. & Wilcock, R. (2015) Interviews, intermediaries and interventions: Barristers’, police officers’ and mock-jurors’ perceptions of a child witness interview. Investigative Interviewing Research and Practice 7, pp. 21-35.

Wilcock, R. & Bull, R. (2014). Improving the Performance of Older witnesses on Identification Lineups. In M.Toglia, D. Ross, J. Pozzulo & E. Pica (Eds.) The elderly eyewitness in court. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Maras, K. & Wilcock, R. (2013). Suggestibility in vulnerable groups. In A. M. Ridley, F. Gabbert & D. J. La Rooy (Eds.) Suggestibility in legal contexts: psychological research and forensic implications. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.

Pescod, L, Wilcock, R. & Milne, R. (2013). Improving eyewitness memory in police call handling centres. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 7, 299-306.

Wilcock, R. & Henry, L. (2013). The performance of eyewitnesses with intellectual disabilities on identification lineups. International Journal of Development, Disability and Education, 60, 44-52.

Hobson, Z., Wilcock, R., & Valentine, T. (2012). Multiple Suspect Showing: A survey of Police Identification Officers. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 7, 79-87.

Dando, C., Omerod, T., Wilcock, R., & Milne, R. (2011). When help becomes hindrance: Unexpected errors of omission and commission in eyewitness memory resulting from change temporal order at retrieval. Cognition, 121, 416-421.

Dando, C, Wilcock, R, Behnke, C., & Milne, R. (2011). Modifications to the cognitive interview: Countenancing forensic application by enhancing practicability. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 17, 491-511.

Hobson, Z. & Wilcock, R. (2011). Eyewitness identification of multiple perpetrators. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 13, 286-296.

Wilcock, R. & Crossley, D. (2011). Witness Care. Informing witnesses about identification parades. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 5, 49-55.

Wilcock, R. A. & Kneller, W. (2011). A comparison of presentation methods of video identification parades. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 835-40.

Wilcock, R. (2010). The aging eyewitness. In J. Adler & J. Gray (Eds) Forensic Psychology: concepts, debates and practice. Abingdon: Willan Publishing.

Wilcock, R. & Bull, R. (2010). Novel Lineup Methods for Improving the Performance of Older Eyewitnesses. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 718-736.

Dando, C., Wilcock, R., & Milne, R. (2009). The Cognitive Interview: Novice Police Officers’ Witness/Victim Interviewing Practices. Psychology, Crime & Law, 15, 679-696.

Dando, C., Wilcock, R., Milne, R., & Henry, L. (2009). A modified cognitive interview procedure for frontline police investigators. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 698-716.

Dando, C., Wilcock, R., & Milne, R. (2009). The Cognitive Interview: The efficacy
of a modified mental reinstatement of context procedure for frontline police investigators. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 138-147.

Dando, C, Wilcock, R.A., & Milne, R. (2008). The Cognitive Interview: inexperienced police officers’ perceptions of their witness/victim interviewing practices. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 13, 59-70.

Wilcock, R., Bull, R., & Milne, R. (2008). Witness identification in criminal cases: psychology and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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