Module-Catalogue---Fall-Semester-1-23-24.docx The module focuses on issues of representation, collection, and museum practice, and critically discusses various anthropological theories of art and visual culture. ... The module also investigates the possibility of cross-cultural aesthetics, the
Module-Catalogue---Spring-Semester-2-23-24.docx In this module, students will practice the art of looking sideways using desk research and field research activities. ... studies. The socially constructed concept of culture will be explored in relation to the arts, heritage and tourism.
The-value-of-a-degree-report-2020-(2).pdf What do Gen Z Expect from their University? A thought piece from Professor Joy Carter
Page Right2Object Project A University of Winchester Centre for Information Rights project aiming to inform teenagers of their right to object to using technologies in school that may pose a privacy risk. Our impactful research Research in Law, Crime and Justice Centre for Information Rights
CRRP-Religion-and-Sustainability-Evidence-Review.pdf Contents Foreword 2. Acronyms 3. Executive Summary 4. Introduction 5. Methodology 8. Definitions 9. Review of UN Literature 11. COP26 and UK Policy 16. ‘Faith-sensitive’ Approaches 18. Ecological Worldviews of Faiths and Beliefs 20. Religious