Explore below for more information about specific bursaries and scholarships available.

Alumni Masters Scholarships
The Alumni Masters Scholarship is for graduates of University of Winchester undergraduate courses, providing a 20% discount off the advertised fee for eligible postgraduate courses at the University for full-time or part-time study.
The 20% discount applies to all Masters courses starting in January 2025 and September 2025 except for the following courses:
- MSc Forensic Psychology
- MSc Applied Sport Psychology
- MSc Occupational Therapy
- Any Postgraduate level degree apprenticeship
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)
Eligible courses are reviewed each academic year and are subject to change.
The Alumni Masters Scholarship is for students who are self-funding, either with their own funds or using a Postgraduate Master's Loan from Student Finance. If students are fully or partially sponsored by their employer or another organisation (e.g. NHS), the discount will not apply. Your Alumni Scholarship cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount and can only be claimed once.
Course applications should be made via the online application form by 15th May (for a September start) or 8th December (for a January start). Applications after this date will normally still be eligible. Your discount will be deducted automatically from your tuition fees.
If you're not sure which course to study or would like general careers advice, please contact our Careers team by either visiting them in the Careers and Opportunities Hub at the top of the St Alphege Building in the King Alfred Quarter or email
How do I receive my Alumni Masters Scholarship?
There is no application to complete; your discount will be deducted automatically from your tuition fee invoice.
For the reduced tuition fee, you need to be accepted on your intended course of Masters study and be able to satisfy all the normal academic admissions criteria. You also need to meet the University of Winchester's enrolment and registration conditions.
If you have any queries, please email
All recipients are normally expected to participate in appropriate marketing activity on behalf of the University to help with future recruitment to its courses.
Postgraduate access scholarship scheme (PASS)
We have a strategic aim to reach out to groups not traditionally represented in Higher Education with particular care in overcoming disadvantage and promoting equality, social justice and social mobility. We believe that education must be a force for opportunity and social justice, not for the entrenchment of privilege.
The Postgraduate Access Scholarship Scheme provides a 20% fee discount to eligible UK students enrolled on eligible taught Masters courses.
Please note the following:
- The discount is applicable to stand alone taught Masters courses only.
- Students are only eligible to receive one Postgraduate Scholarship for their course. Students receiving Alumni Masters Winchester Graduate Masters Scholarship or other fee discount/waiver will not be eligible to receive PASS.
- If students are fully or partially sponsored/funded by their employer or another organisation (e.g. NHS), the discount will not be available.
In 2024/25, the following courses are not eligible to receive PASS:
- MSc Forensic Psychology
- MSc Applied Sport Psychology
- MSc Occupational Therapy
Please note: eligible courses are reviewed each academic year and are subject to change.
To be eligible you must fulfil at least one of the following criteria:
- Previously been in receipt of Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) or be in receipt of a disability related benefit:
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Attendance Allowance (AA)
- Employability Support Allowance (ESA) or its Universal Credit equivalent
- As a child or young person spent time in Local Authority care for at least 13 weeks since the age of 14, which ended after the age of 16 and have relevant Care Leaver status, as per the Children (Leaving Care ) Act 2000.
- Be a carer for a family member with long-term ill-health or disability
- Be currently receiving any form of means-tested state benefit e.g. Housing Benefit, Universal Credit
- Be a member of the Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater communities
- Be estranged. That is you are studying without the support and/or approval of a family network, have no contact with your family and under the age of 25.
We also offer the Postgraduate Access Scholarship to:
- Those who have served in the British Armed Forces, either as a regular or reservist
- spouses/civil partners of those who have served in the Armed Forces, either as a regular or reservist within the past five years
- children, aged 30 or under, of those who have served in the Armed Forces, either as a regular or reservist
How to apply
Applicants must first have received a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on an eligible postgraduate taught Masters programme of study before completing the online application form.
Please ensure that you have all supporting evidence available digitally by saving it to a shareable account such as OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox.
If the supporting evidence is a paper document, please upload it by either scanning it or taking an image that clearly shows the details required. Evidence provided that is not able to be read will cause the application to be rejected.
The closing date for completed applications and supporting evidence is Friday, 20 September 2024 at 5pm (GMT+1).
We are no longer able to accept applications or supporting evidence via email.
Please email if you are unable to access the online application form, or if you have any questions about PASS.
Aziz Foundation Masters Scholarship for British Muslims
We have partnered with the Aziz Foundation as a Preferred Partner to offer 1x 100% tuition fee Masters scholarship to support a British Muslim student access one of our masters courses, commencing September 2024.
The Aziz Foundation Scholarships are aimed at those who wish to advance in their careers and bring positive change to their communities and beyond. The aim is to support emerging leaders who have a high level of commitment to the community and who are able to demonstrate that they can lead and inspire in their respective field.
To find out more and apply please visit the Aziz Foundation Scholarships Application webpage.