Get in touch with Student Support
If you have a question or would like to talk to someone from our student support team get in touch with us via email or phone.
Our wellbeing services consists of a team of professional and approachable counsellors and mental health advisers who can provide you with a confidential space to be listened to and to help explore issues.
We offer a variety of student support services to ensure all of your wellbeing needs are catered for. Here you will find an overview of all our services:
Our mental wellbeing service consists of a team of professional and approachable counsellors and mental health advisers who can provide you with a confidential space to be listened to and to help explore issues.
Use of this service is free and available to all students.
The Mental Wellbeing team offers the following services:
For further details about either service, please ring Student Services Reception on 01962 827 341 or email:
Our student advice team offers information, advice and guidance to support you if you experience stress, worry and concern about the academic side of University life as well as those struggling with personal issues which are affecting study. They will listen to you, discuss options and may refer you to other student services teams or departments.
The Student Life Advice team offers help with any of following services areas:
Homesickness, friendship issues, difficulty settling or fitting in, bereavement, family problems, relationship breakdown, general worries and stress, bullying and harassment, attendance problems, extenuating circumstances support, money worries, pregnancy, interrupting or withdrawing from study, repeating study and traumatic events such as sexual misconduct.
For further details about Student Life Advice please ring Student Support & Success Reception on 01962 827 341 or email:
Who do we support
We welcome disabled students and are committed to improving access to all aspects of student life through:
The Disability Advisers can offer support and guidance to you if you have a disability that affects your ability to study. This would include:
The Disability Adviser role also encompasses disability in its broadest sense. This includes making arrangements for students who need support due to long term and short term injury or illness.
What support is available?
The University of Winchester support students through the Inclusive Learning Policy which provides support for all students through baseline expectations incumbent on all programs and those supporting student learning, to ensure that the university sustains a culture of inclusive learning.
Learning Agreements
Learning Agreements are confidential documents created by Disability Advisers using supporting document
This information allows disability advisers to make recommendations of reasonable adjustments that will ensure students have an equitable opportunity of accessing learning material and engaging in university life.
Assistive technology training and support
The University of Winchester has several assistive technology software packages available to all students on our Campus network. These include screen reading and mind mapping software.
Students can access support and guidance on these software packages through our virtual learning environment Canvas.
Non-DSA Funded support
The Disability and Inclusion team can arrange non- DSA funded support. This includes access to lecture notes, extra time for examinations and buddy support during welcome week.
Get in contact with the Disability team as soon as possible if you are an international student or not eligible for the Disabled Students Allowances funded support. We will discuss your needs to make sure you are confident that the University can meet them.
How do I access support?
If you have applied or are considering applying to study at Winchester, we recommend that you let us know of any additional requirements as soon as possible. This can be done through UCAS or via email to the Disability and Inclusion Team. We consider applications from disabled students on the same academic basis as all other applications. If you disclose your disability in your application, you will receive an additional requirements questionnaire (ARQ). By completing this questionnaire, you can tell the disability team and the housing team as well as other key departments such as Timetabling and Health and Safety about your specific requirements
If you want to apply for university accommodation, please also contact the Student Housing Services team as early as you can. This helps us to check the availability of suitable accommodation.
Our ability to meet your needs is dependent on establishing a clear understanding of what your needs are, what the University can reasonably offer and where there are any gaps. We will make reasonable adjustments to address any gaps. Where any gaps remain, we ensure that you are aware of them. This way you can get an informed view of whether our university and housing are suitable for you.
Medical and supporting evidence
To provide appropriate support, we need supporting documentation of your specific requirements.
This can be a letter from a GP, consultant or another appropriate report from a medical professional, an exam arrangement supporting document such as the JCQ-Form 8 or similar. To apply for support from the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) for support for a learning difference, such as dyslexia for example, you need a full diagnostic assessment.
If you need a specific type of accommodation or adaptations to our accommodation, such as ensuite, or specialist furniture, the supporting document from a medical professional should refer specifically to why your condition requires this rather than just confirm a condition.
Please note: these are example and should not be considered a definite list of supporting documents
Support Adjustments examples |
Supporting documents examples |
Exam Arrangements such as 25% extra time |
Learning Agreement |
If you intend on applying for the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) the DSA have different evidence thresholds, check that you are applying with the correct evidence. For example, to apply for DSA support for Dyslexia the DSA requires a full Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher/Assessor assessment. The DSA would not accept a screening or JCQ-Form 8.
How do I fund my support?
Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)
Most UK students with a physical disability or mental health difficulty, long term health condition or specific learning difficulty or Neurodiversity will be eligible for Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs). These are a non-means tested and a non-repayable source of funding for disabled students' who incur additional expenditure as a direct result of attendance on their university course.
There may be other options available for international students.
DSA can help towards the cost of:
To apply for the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) please go to the DSA Website
If you’ve already applied for student finance
If you are a UK student, you can find out more about DSA funding and download the application form online at the website
NHS Disabled Student Allowance
If your degree is funded through the NHS Bursary you may be eligible for the NHS Disabled Student Allowance. Please visit the NHS DSA webpage for more information.
What does the DSA Support person do?
What does a specialist study skills tutor do?
A specialist study skills tutor helps students develop skills and strategies to promote independent learning. For example, they might work with you on:
A study skills tutor will not
What does a specialist mentor do?
A specialist mentor helps students with mental health issues and/or autistic spectrum condition to become more independent learners. For example, they might work with you on:
A mentor will not
Personal care and assistance
If you think that you are likely to require care assistance or equipment whilst you are at university, you should contact your Home Social Services department as soon as possible to start discussing this.
Personal assistance with daily living is the assistance that you might require even when you are not in university. This would include support with domestic activities such as cooking, cleaning or shopping; help with personal hygiene or some medical needs such as injections.
The University of Winchester only provides study-related assistance. We do not provide personal assistance or personal care support. However, our disability advisers can work with you alongside external providers and Social Services (if applicable) to provide advice and information about realistic opportunities for arranging suitable local support.
Funding personal care needs
The responsibility to fund your personal care package rests with Social Services within the local authority where you are "ordinarily resident".
Guidance on the identification of the ordinary residence of people in need of community care services, England (March 2010) can be found on the Department of Health website.
Social Services within the local authority are responsible for assessing and paying for support at university, even if you will be living away from home. Please be aware that due to its personal nature, the process of applying for and finalising a package of personal care support can take a long time.
For some applicants the process can take up to twelve months to complete. This is because you will either be a new referral (if you have never used the service before) or you will be transferring from children to adult services.
If you tell the Disability Team that you’re applying for personal care support, we can provide you with information about the course you will be studying and the university environment, to ensure that your care support needs are assessed as accurately as possible. Please contact us via email The team are happy to meet with you and your personal care team ahead of arriving at Winchester University.
Please also contact the housing team if you need an additional room for a carer once you have the offer of a place on a course. Your home Social Services will need to reflect this in their budgeting. Housing can be contacted via email
International students
All students with additional requirements are eligible to receive advice and support from the Disability and Inclusion Team regardless of funding. Although non-UK based students are not eligible for funding through DSAs, there may be other sources of funding. Many students coming to the UK to study are eligible for funding through their home government. This is usually applied before you begin your programme of study.
Students from Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales
If you live in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales and are studying anywhere in the UK, your application for student finance is dealt with by the authorities in your own region.
Please follow the links below for the relevant website:
Northern Ireland: Student Finance NI
Scotland: Student Awards Agency Scotland
Wales: Student Finance Wales
Students from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
The States of Jersey and Guernsey and the Isle of Man also provide support packages for disabled students. Please click on the links below for more information:
States of Jersey
States of Guernsey
International Students
All students with additional requirements are eligible to receive advice and support from the Disability team irrespective of funding. Although non-UK based students are not eligible for funding through DSAs, there may be other sources of funding. Many students coming to the UK to study are eligible for funding through their home government; this is usually applied for before you begin your programme of study. You are advised to speak with a Disability Adviser before accepting your place to study.
Other financial support
If you cannot get the money you need to do a course from official or statutory sources, trusts may be able to help you. Each trust has its own eligibility criteria, so it is important that you make sure you meet the trust's criteria before you apply:
Student Health Association Assistance Fund
The Snowden Trust
The Mike Devenney Scholarship
After arrival at Winchester
Once you have started at Winchester, we encourage you to meet with a disability adviser as soon as possible. If you need to have reasonable adjustments, put in place or need to arrange specialist support the Disability Adviser will assist you. They will make sure your needs are met and will work with you to put guidance in place for staff who may need to know about your needs. Please make sure you have been in touch as early as possible to alert us to any needs you may have once you arrive at Winchester.
How to contact us
If you wish to discuss your support requirements with a member of the Disability and Inclusion Team, please email If you would like to have a campus tour, visit housing or meet with academic staff as well as a meeting with a disability adviser, please contact to arrange your visit.
The transition to university is an exciting one for students and quite often a nerve-wracking one for parents and those who have parental responsibilities! One of the things that can be difficult to understand in advance is the relationship between the student support services and parents (which includes all those with parental responsibilities, for example guardians or carers). This leaflet linked on this page aims to clarify that relationship, and to answer the most frequent questions that parents put to us. You are welcome to call us to clarify any of this, or to ask further questions about it.
Top Tips for those with Parental Responsibilities & Confidentiality information leaflet
One of the most significant differences with students at university is that, once they turn eighteen, are adults under the law. Decisions that would have been made with or by parents are now the responsibility of the student. This means that all our interactions must be directly with the student, and they are responsible for their life at university – including the bills and what they choose to tell you about. This is quite a change from life before university.
Unlike school or sixth form college, universities cannot disclose anything to you about how your son or daughter is progressing, academically or personally. The Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR 2018 rules means that their information is their own, and it is their choice as to whether and how they want to share it. This includes everything from their address to their degree result.
In some situations, it can be helpful for parents/carers to be involved in conversations with the student, if we have the student's permission. We can then listen to you and answer any specific questions that you have regarding their support at Winchester. It also means that we can update you, if necessary, although we won’t be able to provide regular updates as we would usually expect the student to do this themselves. You can pass on information that you think we should know that the student may not have mentioned.
What it doesn’t mean is that you can represent the student, that is, talk on their behalf. They can’t just ‘hand over’ to you. They would still be the person we are working with, and they would still need to talk with us directly about what they needed. There are exceptional circumstances where this is different, for example if they are very unwell for a period of time, but this is exceptional.
Support examples – School/College vs University
Here are some examples of how support at university is different to school or college and how you best navigate these differences.
Parental/ trusted adult role
While parents/trusted adults can’t play a direct role when their young person attends university, there are still things they can do to help them succeed. For instance, parents/trusted adults and students can work together to create a time management system.
If a parent/carer contacts the Disability and Inclusion team to raise a concern about their young person this will be listened to and often acted on. However, there will be a limit to what information we can share. We encourage students to set up regular communication with parents/carers to keep them informed of any difficulties or worries. This could be a simple WhatsApp or other online chat group.
Required Documentation
Exams and marking
We encourage all our students to register with a GP practice. There are three GP practices in Winchester. These are St Clements Practice, The Friarsgate Practice and St Paul's Surgery. All three practices offer most of the NHS services including advice on sexual health, repeat prescriptions and general consultation.
All three practices have information specifically for students on their websites. You can choose to register at any of these GP practices. Please click on the practice name below to get to the website for each surgery:
To assist you in choosing a GP practice, or in sourcing other medical support in Winchester, you may also wish to look at the following resources:
Students are encouraged to continue with regular checks with the family dentist during the holidays. However, should an emergency arise whilst at University, the Dental Helpline should be able to help.
All university students are advised to have the Menigitis ACWY vaccine. This is available from your home GP and our local GPs will also be offering the vaccine to students throughout the academic year. All first year undergraduates are now advised to have a Meningitis (ACWY) booster if they were less than 10 years of age when they received their first Meningitis C injection. If you have not had the vaccination, or if you are unsure, speak to your GP.
The University of Winchester has a comprehensive Managing Menigitis Policy, developed with the support of the Health Protection Agency and this is followed should there be a suspected/confirmed case of meningitis at the University.
The Meningitis Research Foundation runs a 24 hour helpline: 080 8800 3344
No vaccine protects against all types of meningitis, so it is important to remain vigilant and aware of the symptoms.
Find out more information regarding the Meningitis ACWY vaccine
Find out more information regarding the symptoms of Meningitis infection
Further information and support for students is available from Meningitis Now
The University has a comprehensive policy in place should the H1N1 virus affect the day to day running of the institution. Information will be regularly communicated to students and staff via the internal website should the University be affected. For the latest information see the Department of Health website.
If you have a question or would like to talk to someone from our student support team get in touch with us via email or phone.
Tel: +44 1962 827 341