5 minutes with ... Joe Wilmore

13 Feb 2019

What are you up to these days?

These days I'm studying the MA in Creative and Critical Writing with the hope of specialising in writing song lyrics and studying them as their own literary form. I'm also in the writing stage of my first album.

Favourite Uni memory

My favourite Uni memory was my time as Chair of the Busking Society which introduced me to so many fantastic musicians. A close second has to be the Song Lyrics module in my second year. It was amazing to find out that I could channel my long-time hobby of songwriting into a literary form of its own.

Advice for new students

My advice for new students is to try everything. Don't be scared of venturing into new areas like script, song lyrics or non-fiction that can seem intimidating. No-one is an expert at everything and the only way you'll find your identity is by being prepared to take the leap and have a go.

The best thing about The University of Winchester

In my opinion the best thing about UoW is the willingness of the university to support you in taking that leap into uncharted territory. There's a fantastic mentality of 'why not?' at UoW and for creative people that is an incredibly important thing. The willingness to listen to your idea and help you make it the best it can be no matter how off the wall it might seem.

Guilty pleasure

My guilty pleasures has to be a good cheesy pop song. If you can listen to 'Whenever, Wherever' by Shakira and not belt out the chorus at the top of your lungs I honestly don't believe that you are a living, breathing human being.

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