Five reasons to join the University of Winchester Music Centre

17 Nov 2017
students laughing

At the University of Winchester, music is integral to life at the university through the University of Winchester Music Centre.

The Music Centre runs 11 instrumental groups and 8 choirs, so whatever you’re interested in, there’s something for you. If you need more convincing, here are my top five reasons to join the University of Winchester Music Centre...

1. Amazing experiences

Music Centre at graduation

During my three years as a member of the Music Centre, I’ve done things that I never thought I would, from singing at multiple graduation ceremonies in Winchester Cathedral (and being photo-bombed by Alan Titchmarsh!), to busking in the town centre at Christmas, to singing as part of a 200-person choir in Leeds Cathedral. These are just a few of the amazing things that I’ve done with the Music Centre, and they’ve become some of my best university memories. It’s definitely the place to be if you want to make the most of your student experience.

2. Open to everyone

One of the great things about the Music Centre is that when they say anyone can join, they really mean it. There are no auditions and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been playing an instrument for 5 years or you want to try something new, you’re more than welcome. There’s a group to suit everyone, whether you’re into musical theatre or choral music, whether you play the flute or the violin. Just turn up whenever rehearsals are on and get stuck in!

3. Great leadership opportunities

student playing music

Not only is the University of Winchester Music Centre an engaging social community, it’s also a great opportunity to gain skills for your CV. You can apply to direct or manage a group at the end of each academic year, which gives you a chance to improve your communication and leadership skills. I am the manager for High Frequency upper voices choir, and I’ve found it really rewarding to be able to enhance my CV whilst doing something I love.

4. Meet amazing new people

Group of students in formal wear

The Music Centre is a great place to meet people you wouldn’t usually connect with whilst at university. I’ve made friends with people on loads of different courses, as well as different members of the community outside the university. These are people who I wouldn’t have met if I hadn’t decided to join the music centre in my first year. It’s an incredible community and I can say with complete honesty that I have made connections that will last me a life time.

5. Enhance your time at university

My time at university would have been completely different if I wasn’t part of the University of Winchester Music Centre. I am part of a community where I can meet up with my friends, learn something new or go and have a coffee and a chat if I’m feeling stressed. And it’s all because of music!

So what are you waiting for? Check out the University of Winchester Music Centre Facebook page and have a look at our website for information on rehearsal times for the different groups. Just turn up to whatever you fancy and see what group suits you. I’m sure you won’t regret it!

About the author

Laura Durrant - Creative and Professional Writing 



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