Should I Study Liberal Arts?

22 Nov 2019
Sunny campus and terrace bar

If we had to say who we think would would get the most out of our Liberal Arts degree we wouldn’t list qualifications or background. We’d rather think of a person who is committed to personal growth through intellectual adventure.

Liberal Arts has always understood education to include learning about ourselves. It combines academic education with the challenge to ‘know thyself’. So by the time you graduate you’ll have a good understanding of your strengths and talents, you’ll know your passions and aspirations, and you’ll have a good idea of how to live true to yourself.

But perhaps you already think you know who you are, what you are good at, and what you are interested in. In that case the course will challenge you further and deeper, to know yourself in relation to the rest of the world.

Our degree invites you to learn across subject boundaries, covering areas of social and political thought, visual arts, social and natural science, literature, education, philosophy, art, religion, and more. And we learn together in small seminars, reading, talking, thinking, and then writing.

Yes Liberal Arts offers you a lot of choice and a lot of freedom. But don't underestimate just how challenging that freedom can be, we all know that life can be much easier when people simply tell us what to do.

Liberal Arts often appeals to those who want to change the world for the better and so we make sure that the course also teaches us about the contradictions, difficulties and dilemmas confronting anyone who wants to intervene in the world for the good of others. Social justice is often more difficult than knowing how something should be.

We hope, therefore, that our programme speaks to the mind that hears the bigger questions that formal education implies but often suppresses; to the heart that cares but suffers in caring; to the activist who finds only political impasse; to the soul that knows there is something more, but not where it is or how to look for it; to the religious mind that is not sure; and to the certain mind that is not religious. We intend that, at the end of your studies with us, you are informed and knowledgeable about the world, about the identity of Western culture within it, and about your own identity within this culture.

So Should you study a Liberal Arts degree? Only you can answer that question, but if we can help, we will.

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