10 CPD Hours

Diagnosing and Managing ARFID: A Comprehensive Course

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The course will provide education on the journey of ARFID, from diagnosis, to assessment and management, incorporating up-to-date research in this area, as well as information on practical management. 

Child sitting at table not wanting to eat her meal

Course overview

Avoidant / Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is characterised by a pattern of feeding or eating that avoids certain foods or food groups entirely and/or is restricted in quantity. First recognised in the DSM-V criteria in 2013, research around appropriate management is evolving. Those with ARFID may need support from a multidisciplinary team including a psychologist, dietitian, speech and language therapist, occupational therapist and physician.

The course provides a comprehensive education on the journey of ARFID, from diagnosis, to assessment and management, incorporating up-to-date research and information on practical management. Designed to engage participants with thought-provoking opportunities, the course features a range of learning opportunities including toolkits, quizzes and online discussions to reinforce knowledge acquisition and application in practice.

This course has been created by ARFID Awareness UK in partnership with the University of Winchester, by a multidisciplinary team with experience in practice, higher education and active in research. It intends to provide a reliable source of contemporary information on nutrition and ARFID related health care issues for Health Care Professionals.

Course Dates

Our course dates are as follows:









What you need to know

Course start date

January 2024


Distanced Learning

Course length

10 Hours


Apply Online

Typical offer

Health Professionals



Course features

  • This course has been created in partnership with ARFID Awareness UK and the University of Winchester, by a multidisciplinary team with experience in practice, higher education and active in research
  • This course has been accredited for 10 continuing professional development (CPD) hours by the British Dietetic Association (BDA)

Course details


Distance learning only.

Learning and teaching

This is a fully online, 10 hour distance learning course, facilitated by Dr Rosan Meyer. It will involve at least 10 hours of study and consists of a combination of written material, pre-recorded lectures, quizzes and the opportunity to engage in topical discussions. The course can be worked through in your own time but all the content needs to be completed before the end date.

This distance-learning course is delivered via Canvas. Due to government regulations, Instructure (Canvas) prohibits the unauthorised use of its products and services in specific countries and regions. We need to make these restrictions clear to individuals considering this course. Please see the guidance as documented by Canvas.

Which countries are restricted from using Canvas? 

This course uses the video hosting platform Vimeo, which the following countries have restricted access. China (excluding Hong Kong), North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Indonesia, Sudan, Syria, and Russia.

For more information regarding these restrictions please email HWBShortcourses@winchester.ac.uk before booking a place on the course.


This course requires access to the following:

Operating Systems
Windows XP SP3 and newer
Mac OSX 10.6 and newer
Linux - chrome OS

1GB of RAM
2GHz processor
Minimum of 512kbps (basic DSL)

JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

- Chrome 118 / 119

- Safari 16 / 17 (Macintosh only)

- Firefox 118 / 119

- Edge 118 / 119


Please note the modules listed are correct at the time of publishing. The University cannot guarantee the availability of all modules listed and modules may be subject to change. The University will notify applicants of any changes made to the core modules listed. For further information please refer to winchester.ac.uk/termsandconditions


Topic 1 Credits

Diagnosis of ARFID and the overlap with other medical conditions

Topic 2 Credits

Nutritional, psychological and sensory-motor-skill assessment

Topic 3 Credits

Dietary, psychological and sensory-motor skill management

Entry requirements

Health Professionals

Run by the Faculty of Health & Wellbeing at the University of Winchester, this is the only University-based course of its kind in the UK.

This course is predominately aimed at health care professionals (doctors, nurses, dietitians, nutritionists, psychologists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists) interested in improving their knowledge and expertise in ARFID.

However, a wide range of people who care for children have taken this course and found it beneficial, including parents, carers, social workers and educators.

A good command of the English Language is required, both written and oral.

For latest course dates please click the book now button.

For general enquiries please contact the department administrator HWBShortCourses@winchester.ac.uk.

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No International Entry Requirements for this course.

This course is available for health care professionals.

Additional costs

For information about staff and student discounts please contact the short course administrator HWBShortCourses@winchester.ac.uk.