Dr Simon Boxley
Senior LecturerDepartment of Education and Childhood Studies
Simon.Boxley@winchester.ac.ukWe encourage our staff and students to be enterprising in all they do and we maintain close ties with regional employers
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Dr Simon Boxley is Senior Lecturer in Education, Programme Leader for the MA Liberal Arts, and Head of the Centre for Climate Change Action and Education. Simon's main areas of expertise are the philosophy of education, particularly Marxist, ecosocialist and ecosophical perspectives, education policy and practice, particularly relating to climate change, and the study of 'race' and ethnicity, particularly in the United Kingdom.
- Boxley, S. (2017) Schooling and Value: Marxist Essays in Education, 2006-2016. Brighton: Institute for Education Policy Studies
Book chapters
- Boxley, S. (2021) Green Marxism. In Maisuria (Ed.) Encyclopaedia of Marxism and Education. Leiden: Brill, pp 322-340.
- Boxley, S., Krishnamuthy, G. & Ridgeway, A. (2016) Learning Care for the Earth with Krishnamurti, in Winograd, K. (Ed) Environmental Education in Times of Crisis: Children as Agents of Change in Nature and in Community, London: Routledge
- Boxley, S., Dewey, V., Clarke, H., & Witt, S. (2014) Talking with trolls: a creative and critical engagement with students’ nature-naiveté, in Winograd, K. (Ed.) Critical Literacy, London: Routledge
- Boxley, S. (2014) Critical Education Studies, in Hill, D. (Ed.) Critical Education, Critical Pedagogies, Marxist Education, London: Routledge
- Boxley, S. & Hill, D. (2008) Critical Education for Economic, Social and Environmental Justice in Hill, D. (Ed) Contesting neoliberal education: Public resistance and collective advance. London: Routledge
Refereed articles
- Boxley, S. (2022) Striking in the City, Making Love in the Fields: Unsnarling the Wild Pedagogies of Earth Activism. Coreopsis: Journal of Myth and Theatre 10 (1).
- Boxley, S. (2022) ESC in the Anthropocene Education for Sustainability and Communism. Critical Education, 13 (1), 51-69 https://doi.org/10.14288/ce.v13i1
- Boxley, S. (2019) Red Biocentrism for the Anthropocene. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 35(3). 183-197. https://doi.org/10.1017/aee.2019.18
- Boxley, S. (2019) Learning Nature in Schools: Benjamin contra Dietzgen on Nature's 'Free Gifts'. Policy Futures in Education 17 (3). 339-354 https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210318824248
- Boxley, S. (2017) "Our Teachers and the Limits of Cognition": Dietzgen and the Challenge of McLaren's Epistemology. Policy Futures in Education 15(5). 564-573 https://doi.org/10.1177/1478210317707847
- Boxley, S. (2017) The Revolution Now: Krishnamurti Pedagogy and the Necessity for Environmental Change, Journal of Krishnamurti Schools 21. 94-99
- Boxley, S. (2016) Too Much, Much Too Young: The Meaning of the school testing obsession, International Socialism 150. 145-154
- Boxley, S. (2014) Lenin's Lessons on Schooling for the Left in the UK, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 12 (3) http://www.jceps.com/archives/2300
- Hill, D. and Boxley, S. (2007) Critical teacher education for economic, environmental and social justice: a Marxist analysis and manifesto. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 5 (2) http://www.jceps.com/archives/547
- Boxley, S. (2003) Performativity and Capital in Schools. Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 1 (1) http://www.jceps.com/archives/547
Conference papers
- Boxley. S. (2012) Speeding the Unhurried Pathway, Unhurried Pathways: Early Childhood Action Conference, University of Winchester, October 27.
- Boxley, S. (2012) Lenin on the Class Character of Education, International Conference on Lenin’s Thought in the Twenty First Century: Its Interpretation and Value, University of Wuhan, China, October 20-22. Published in Conference Proceedings in English and Chinese by the Wuhan University Press (2008)
- Red, Black & Green: Joseph Dietzgen's Philosophy Across the Divide. Anarchist Studies Network International Conference http://www.anarchist-studies-network.org.uk/documents/Conference%20Papers/Simon%20Boxley.doc
Boxley, S. (2019) Deeper than oil: climate change as an ideological issue. Workshop at Education for the Future: Climate Emergency Conference of the National Education Union. Regents High School, Camden, London, 12/10/19
Boxley, S. (2018) One hundred summers since October: teaching Marxisms in Education Studies today. Paper presented at VIII International Conference on Critical Education, UEL, 24-29/7/18
Boxley, S. (2015) The Revolution Now, paper presented at The Future of Brockwood Conference, Brockwood Park School, Hampshire, 8/3/15
- House, R. & Boxley, S. (2014) Too Much Too Young: how can we resist the theft of early childhood, paper presented at Marxism 2014, Institute of Education, London, 11/7/14
- Boxley,S. (2014), Transformative Education in Nature: Reanimating Places. Paper presented at Mind, Society and Transformative Education Conference, Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Baku, 4/1/14
- Co-organizer of the following conferences
- Another Learning is Possible, University of Winchester and Brockwood Park School, 2015 http://winchesterconferences.com/
- Malaguzzi and Contemporary Early Years Alternatives: Lessons from Iceland and Reggio Emilia, University of Winchester, 2013 www.winchester.ac.uk/malaguzzi
- Race, 10.11.12, University of Winchester, 2012, http://raceconference.uni.me/
- Transition Universities, University of Winchester, 2011, http://www.crisis-forum.org.uk