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Sam has been a researcher and educator in medical education for almost twenty years, with a particular interest in general practice education. She is Programme Lead for the MA Medical Education and Convenor for the University's Medical Education Research Centre??.
As part of the tutor team on the MA Medical Education and Postgraduate Certificate courses (for appraisers, hospital educators and trainers), she supports the professional development of medical educators, trainers and appraisers through academic enquiry into practice. She has been teaching at the University of Winchester on the MA Education course since 2007.
Alongside her university role, she works with the GP Education Unit, Southampton supporting research into GP education with trainees, programme directors and associate deans. In addition to her research interests, she is a reviewer for a number of leading medical education journals.
Sam completed her PhD at the University of Winchester in 1998. Her thesis Enlightenment Returns to Myth: Factors influencing the Investigation of Racist Attitudes Exhibited by Primary School Children presented an immanent critique of the construction of 'race' in psychological research with children, and a philosophical inquiry into the theoretical reconstruction of 'race' in educational policy-making.
Journal publications (peer-reviewed)
SALES B, MASDING M and SCALLAN S (2018) “A taste of general practice.” The Clinical Teacher. Accepted as an “innovation” paper.
FITZGERALD-BARRON A, LYON-MARIS J, HILL F and SCALLAN S (2018) “The world turned upside down: The case for thinking differently about undergraduate education.” Accepted for the British Journal of General Practice.
SCALLAN S and MOHANNA K (2017) “Introducing a new section (Guest editorial).” Education for Primary Care 28: 133 DOI: 10.1080/14739879.2017.1313098
JONES A, Wedderburn C and Scallan S (2017) “Developing the system for GP Trainer re-approval in Dorset: a pilot.” Education for Primary Care (letter, early on-line view available). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2016.1278563
Sales B, Macdonald A, Scallan S and Crane S (2016) “How can educators support General Practice (GP) trainees to develop resilience to prevent burnout?” Education for Primary Care 27: 487-493. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14739879.2016.1217170
Murphy J, Lyon-Maris J, Scallan S and Muir A (2016) “The drama of communication.” The Clinical Teacher (online early view available) DOI:10.1111/tct.12514
Locke R, Alexander G, Mann R, Kibble S and Scallan S (2016) “Doctors with Dyslexia: strategies and support.” The Clinical Teacher (online early view available). DOI: 10.1111/tct.12578
Elliott R and Scallan S (2016) “Developing communication skills with GP trainees: the REAM approach.” Education for Primary Care 27: 138-43
Scallan S, Locke R, Caesar S, Watson G and Eksteen D (2016) “The benefits of appraisal: a documentary analysis over time.” Education for Primary Care 27: 94-7
SALES B, SCALLAN S, CRANE S and LYON-MARIS J (2015) “The Audio-COT (Consultation Observation Tool): developing a new assessment tool for GP training.” Education for Primary Care 26: 335-9
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, MANN R and ALEXANDER G (2015) “Doctors with Dyslexia: A Systematic Literature Review.” The Clinical Teacher 12: 394-8
LYON-MARIS J, EDWARDS L, SCALLAN S and LOCKE R (2015) “GP Workload: Time for a rethink of the generalist model of care to promote retention to the workforce?” British Journal of General Practice 65(639): e711-e713
PLATT D, CHINN J, SCALLAN S and LYON-MARIS J (2015) “Fostering Resilience with GPs: a workshop approach.” Education for Primary Care 26: 328-31
SCALLAN S (2014) “Educating for complexity and professional judgement: whither the role of practice-based research?” Education for Primary Care 25: 299-301
JONES A, BUTCHER A, FORDE E, WEDDERBURN C and SCALLAN S (2014) “Supporting newly qualified GPs: an evolving educational programme in Dorset.” Education for Primary Care 25: 353-356
KIBBLE S, SCALLAN S, WILSON S, ODBERT R, LYON-MARIS J and LEACH C (2014) “Does experience in general practice influence the clinical thinking of foundation trainees?” Education for Primary Care 25: 327-37
SCALLAN S (2014) “RCGP Annual Conference” (letter). British Journal of General Practice 64 (November): 560-61
LYON-MARIS J and SCALLAN S (2013) “Procedures and processes of accreditation for GP trainers: similarities and differences.” Education for Primary Care 24: 444-51
CAESAR S, LOCKE R and SCALLAN S (2013) “Medical appraisal and revalidation: can it improve patient care?” Education for Primary Care 24: 398-400
CRANE R, HAIG, P and SCALLAN S (2013) “Failure to secure a training post in an applicant’s first choice deanery: a significant risk factor for difficulties during training.” Education for Primary Care 24: 372-3 (Letter)
FOULKES J, SCALLAN S and WEAVER R (2013) “Educational Supervision for GP Trainees: time to take stock?” Education for Primary Care 24: 90–92 (Leader)
THRESHER K, BOREHAM L, DENNISON L, FLETCHER P, OWEN C, SMITH L, and SCALLAN S (2013) “Exploring art with foundation doctors: reflecting on clinical experience.” Education for Primary Care 24: 212-15
RIAL J and SCALLAN S (2013) “Practice-based Small Group Learning (PBSGL) for CPD: A pilot with general practice trainees to support the transition to independent practice.” Education for Primary Care 24: 173–77
WEDDERBURN C, SCALLAN S, WHITTLE C and CURTIS A (2013) “The views and experiences of female GPs on professional practice and career support.” Education for Primary Care 24: 321-29
ZWART S, LYON-MARIS J, ESSIGMAN M, FITZGERALD-BARON A, ROGERS D, VAN LEEUWEN AJ, MAILLE R and SCALLAN S (2013) “International exchange of experienced GP trainers: the added value of looking into another kitchen.” Education for Primary Care 24: 380
LYON-MARIS J and SCALLAN S (2012) “High Fidelity Human Simulation” The Clinical Teacher 9: 18-21
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, LEACH C and RICKENBACH M (2012) “Identifying poor performance among doctors in NHS organisations.” Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2753.2012.01868.x
WEDDERBURN C, BATTCOCK T, MASDING M and SCALLAN S (2012) “A pilot learning set for newly appointed GPs and hospital consultants.” Education for Primary Care 23: 47-49
SMITH T, TAYLOR M, WYER I and SCALLAN S (2012) “Meeting the educational needs of GP retainers: time for change?” Education for Primary Care 23: 125-127
SCALLAN S and LOCKE R (2012) “The benefits of appraisal.” Education for Primary Care 23: 369-370 (Letter)
RICKARD C, SMITH T and SCALLAN S (2012) “A Comparison of the Learning Experiences of Full-Time Trainees and Less-Than-Full-Time Trainees in General Practice.” Education for Primary Care 23: 399-403
BELL J and SCALLAN S (2011) “Postgraduate Certificate for GP Appraisers.” Education for Primary Care 22: 442 (Innovation article)
PETERS A, CAESAR S and SCALLAN S (2011) “Improving the spread of appraisals throughout the year – a pilot of two management strategies.” Education for Primary Care 22: 252-253 (Letter)
GIBBONS E, SCALLAN S and NEWTON S (2011) “An extra six months in primary care in the early years of training for general practice: the views of trainees and trainers on how to make the most of this post.” Education for Primary Care 22: 339-342
LONGLEY A, SCALLAN S and WEDDERBURN C (2011) “Enriching Training for General Practice: an evaluation of a pilot programme of general practice clinics in specialty training year 1.” Education for Primary Care 22: 283-285
SCALLAN S, LYON-MARIS J and RICKENBACH M (2011) “The role and value of ITPS to specialty training for general practice.” Education for Primary Care 22: 283-284 (Letter)
SCALLAN S, BALL K, LYON-MARIS J, BURROWS P and GORROD E (2011) “Using actors to simulate doctors in the continuing professional development of GP trainers and appraisers.” Education for Primary Care 22: 171-177
FOULKES J, SCALLAN S, COLES C and ELMER R (2011) “The RCGP e-Portfolio Learning Log: observations on the case for reclaiming log entries as assessments for learning.” Education for Primary Care 22: 14-19
WEDDERBURN C, SCALLAN S and LEACH C (2010) “Extensions to training for general practice: a novel approach.” Education for Primary Care 21: 360-367
MANN R, SCALLAN S, DEANE M, WATSON A, LEACH C and KIBBLE S (2010) “Developing competent and capable improvement leaders in NHS general practice: an evaluation of the Practice Leaders Programme (Portsmouth).” International Journal of Clinical Leadership 16(4): 167-177
WEDDERBURN C and SCALLAN S (2010) “The development of an electronic evaluation form for specialty training for general practice.” Education for Primary Care 21: 132-133 (Letter)
Journal publications (not peer-reviewed)
SCALLAN S (2018) “Green Review.” Education for Primary Care [in press]. (Book review of Orlans D, Charlton R and Finnikin S (2017) What’s in a story?: Lessons from reflections in general practice. Solihull: Hampton-in-Arden Publishers [First edition])
SCALLAN S (2017) “Green review.” Education for Primary Care 28: 297–298. (Book review of Liamputtong, P. (ed.) (2017) Research methods in health: foundations for evidence-based practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [Third edition])
Scallan S (2016) “Green review 2: the experienced educator’s perspective.” Education for Primary Care 27: 71-73. (Book review of Gavriel J The Self-Directed Learner in Medical Education London: CRC Press)
SCALLAN S (2015) “Digest.” The Clinical Teacher 12: 286-90
Book chapters
FOULKES J and SCALLAN S “Using Electronic Portfolios to Record Reflection: Supporting the Supervisors of Primary Care Physicians in Training” in Peterkin A and Brett-MacLean P (2016) Keeping Reflection Fresh. Kent: Kent State University Press
THRESHER K, SCALLAN S, SMITH L, OWEN C, FLETCHER P, DENNISON L and BOREHAM L “Exploring Art and Clinical Experience with Doctors in the Early Years of Postgraduate Training” in Peterkin A and Brett-MacLean P (2016) Keeping Reflection Fresh. Kent: Kent State University Press
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, MANN R and ALEXANDER G (2015) Doctors with Dyslexia: a systematic literature review, researching experience and practice guidance. Winchester: University of Winchester
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, LYON-MARIS J and EDWARDS L (2015) GP Workload: current state and future possibilities. Winchester: University of Winchester
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, EDWARDS L, MANN R, PENROSE H and WEAVER R (2014) Evaluation of WESSEX INSIGHT: mentoring service. Winchester: University of Winchester (Report for the Wessex GP School and Wessex LMC)
LYON-MARIS J and SCALLAN S (2013) Procedures and processes of accreditation for GP trainers: similarities and differences. Winchester: Wessex School of General Practice. (Report for the GMC)
LOCKE R, SCALLAN S, LEACH C, RICKENBACH M and GOODMAN J (2011) Identification of poor performance among doctors in NHS organisations. Winchester: University of Winchester (Report for the Revalidation Support Team)
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