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I have a background in Biological Sciences: BSc (Hons) Ecology and Conservation at the University of Sussex and MSc Palaeobiology at the University of Bristol. I also worked as a research assistant at the Harrison Institute of Biodiversity and Research, studying the systematics and distribution of bat species.

In 2000, I trained with the Forensic Science Service (FSS) in London as a Body Fluids and DNA Reporting Officer. I held the position of Senior Forensic Scientist and worked on hundreds of body fluids and DNA cases. My role comprised:

case assessment,
examination strategies,
examination of items for body fluids and fibres,
blood pattern analysis,
evaluation of body fluid examinations;
interpretation of DNA profiles (including complex mixtures),
preparation of written statements and attendance at court as an expert witness.

I joined the University of Winchester in September 2018 as a Lecturer on the BSc Forensic Investigation programme in the Department of Applied Social Sciences, Forensics and Politics. I am module leader and lecturer on a number of modules including Practical Skills, Crime Scene Investigation, Biological Evidence and Forensic DNA Evidence.

Areas of expertise

DNA, body-fluid analysis and blood pattern analysis. 


Snowden, P., Paul J. J., Bates, David L., Harrison and Mike R. Brown (2000). Recent Records of Bats and Rodents from Oman Including Three New Species New to the Country. Fauna of Arabia 18: p.397 - 407.

Schram, F. R., Hof, C.H.J., Mapes, R H. and Snowden, P. (2003). Palaeozoic Cumaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Percarida) from North America. Contributions to Zoology 72 (1).

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