Criminology at Winchester: A student's POV

23 Apr 2024
Prison cell

We caught up with Criminology student Lily to talk to her about the course and discover more about her new career lined up after university...

What have you enjoyed most about studying Criminology?

Reflecting on my journey studying Criminology at the University of Winchester fills me with immense satisfaction. The array of modules* available to us students has truly enriched the learning experience, making it both captivating and enlightening.

Among the multitude of modules I've delved into, a few have stood out as personal favourites. Firstly, the exploration of Police and Police work during my first year was particularly memorable. Taught by an ex-police officer, the module took on a deeply personal tone as our lecturer wove in anecdotes and insights from their own experiences, enriching our understanding in profound ways.

Another highlight was the module on young people, Deviance, and Crime. Bursting with information and guided by a lecturer with first-hand experience in the prison service, this module provided a fertile ground for exploration. The flexibility in assignment choices added an extra layer of engagement, allowing us to delve deeper into topics that resonated with us.

Lastly, the module on Drug and Alcohol: Use and Control proved to be a popular choice among students, myself included. Offering a blend of fascinating content and innovative learning methods like quizzes and teamwork, it kept us thoroughly engaged throughout.

When selecting modules, I always considered two crucial factors: the nature of the end-of-module assessment and the expertise of the lecturer. While the subject matter was undoubtedly important, I also valued assessments that played to my strengths, such as assignments over exams. Equally vital was the rapport I shared with the lecturer, as I found that understanding their teaching style greatly facilitated my learning process. Luckily during my time, I never had to choose a topic I didn’t think I’d find interesting, the ones I did end up completing ticked all my boxes.

Throughout my undergraduate journey, one lesson has remained paramount: the importance of seeking support from tutors and lecturers. Whether booking a one-on-one session to discuss assignments or seeking clarification after a lecture, their guidance has proven invaluable. Taking advantage of their expertise and willingness to assist can truly make a difference in academic success.

Why choose to study Criminology at Winchester? 

Choosing Winchester as my academic home was a decision informed by various factors, each contributing to the allure of the university. Recommendations from former students spoke volumes, particularly highlighting the potential pathways to police employment in the area and its convenient location for commuting. Delving into the university's website provided invaluable insights into each subject, crucially shedding light on the employment outcomes of past students—a pivotal aspect for me in making my final decision.

Attending the open day further solidified my choice. The vibrant atmosphere and well-rounded offerings of the university, coupled with its accessibility to the town centre and diverse accommodation options, left me excited about the prospect of studying there. Seeing everything first-hand was a revelation, confirming my gut feeling that Winchester was indeed the right fit for me.

Prior to applying, I meticulously researched the university and the specific course I intended to pursue. Examining feedback from previous students, along with statistics on post-graduation employment, sparked my imagination about the possibilities the course could unlock. The strong connection between the university and law enforcement, reinforced by my experience with a police-related module, instilled confidence that Winchester would provide ample support in navigating the transition from academia to the professional world.

What do you think are the most important aspects of crime in today's world?

The landscape of crime in contemporary society is undeniably intricate. Exploring various crimes and their handling, particularly those in the public eye, has been a compelling avenue of research for me. What truly fascinates me, however, is the diverse array of opinions surrounding police responses to these incidents—a rich tapestry of perspectives that reflects the complexity of law enforcement in modern times.

My journey as a criminology student has been enriched not only by academic modules but also by personal connections within the field of law enforcement. Through these channels, I've gained invaluable insights into the workings of the police, complementing my formal education with real-world perspectives.

One significant revelation from my studies, reinforced by extensive research and my dissertation, is the pressing need for enhanced support for crime victims. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't solely a matter for law enforcement to address. Rather, it's a societal issue that demands a multifaceted approach, encompassing various stakeholders beyond the police force. I've come to recognize the profound impact of media portrayal on public perceptions of crime. The proliferation of sensationalized narratives often sways our understanding and exacerbates concerns, potentially fuelling phenomena like moral panic—a sobering realization of the power and responsibility inherent in media representation.

As a criminology student, I've encountered a variety of knowledge that transcends my initial expectations. The depth of topics explored have expanded my horizons, challenged preconceived notions and illuminated previously unexplored avenues of inquiry. Indeed, the journey of discovery within this field has been nothing short of transformative, propelling me towards a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in the realm of crime and justice.

Tell us about the job you have lined up after university (congrats!)

Securing a position in the prosecution's unit of the police force marks a thrilling milestone as I near the end of my university journey. The prospect of immersing myself in a role that promises ample opportunities for growth and knowledge expansion fills me with eager anticipation.

The support I received from my university played a pivotal role in navigating my career path. Through insightful inquiries about my aspirations and avenues for support, they provided invaluable guidance that propelled me towards exploring various opportunities. Attending career fairs and engaging with potential employers, albeit initially daunting, proved to be a rewarding endeavour. These interactions not only bolstered my confidence but also opened doors to exciting possibilities, ultimately leading me to the doorstep of law enforcement.

My journey towards pursuing a career in the police force was sparked by encounters with individuals who generously shared their experiences and insights. Conversations with a Thames Valley Police Sergeant at a careers fair left a great impression, igniting my curiosity and prompting me to explore further. Additionally, the encouragement and shared experiences of fellow criminology students served as an additional catalyst, reinforcing my resolve to pursue a career aligned with my passion.

For those approaching the end of their studies, I would advise on exploring employment opportunities. Proactively seeking out job prospects not only allows ample time for preparation but also facilitates a smoother transition into the professional realm. The interview process, though initially daunting, offers a platform to showcase your skills and experiences, ultimately positioning yourself as the ideal candidate.

As I eagerly anticipate commencing my new role post-graduation, I am filled with a sense of gratitude for the journey that has brought me to this point. With each step forward, I am poised to immerse myself in a field I am deeply passionate about, eager to acquire new skills and make meaningful contributions to the realm of law enforcement. This opportunity marks the beginning of a promising chapter, one brimming with potential for growth and fulfilment in the ever-evolving landscape of the employment world.

What aspects of student life have you enjoyed at Winchester?

Opting to live in university accommodation during my time at Winchester proved to be a decision with unforeseen benefits. It served as an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, stepping into the realm of communal living, compelling me to engage with fellow students who were navigating the same journey. Getting to know those you live with can be such an exciting experience and I would say to anyone that’s nervous about it to just immerse yourself into it, if your housemates are popping to the shop and ask you to go, say yes because sometimes it can be little outings like that which bring you closer and ultimately create great friendships.

The first year at Winchester brims with an array of captivating events and social gatherings, one of them being the BOP nights. These weekly nights out offer the perfect setting to mingle with newfound friends and soak in the vibrant atmosphere of student life. While some nightlife options may have shifted over time, the town still offers ample opportunities for memorable evenings out, whether at Turtle Bay or Pitcher and Piano (these were mine and my friends go-tos!)

Furthermore, the university's array of societies presents an avenue for exploring diverse interests and creating connections beyond the confines of accommodation walls. Embrace every opportunity to immerse yourself in the fabric of university life, from joining group chats to attending society events—it's through these experiences that lasting memories are made.

Reflecting on my time as a fresher, I cherish the moments spent venturing into the town centre and revelling in the nightlife scene. It's a chapter of my university journey that I look back on with fondness, a testament to the richness of experiences waiting to be embraced by those willing to seize the moment.

What would you say to someone thinking of studying Criminology at Winchester?

Absolutely go for it! My time at the University of Winchester has been an enriching journey that I wouldn't trade for anything. As my days here draw to a close, I find myself wishing I could hit the pause button and savour every moment a little while longer. Time truly flies, so seize every opportunity and cherish the experiences that come your way.

Admittedly, there may be moments when the academic load feels overwhelming, but rest assured, you're not alone in this journey. Remember, everyone around you is facing similar challenges, and with perseverance, you'll navigate through the rough patches and emerge stronger on the other side.

A piece of advice I'd like to impart is to start your assignments early whenever possible. This not only helps maintain a healthy work-life balance but also allows you to fully engage with the captivating content delivered in your lectures.

Studying criminology has been an endlessly fascinating endeavour for me. The plethora of module choices available is truly astounding, offering ample opportunities to tailor your academic journey to your interests and strengths. When selecting modules, prioritize topics that ignite your passion and align with your strengths—this way, you'll not only excel academically but also derive genuine enjoyment from your studies.

In summary, embarking on this academic adventure at Winchester has been an immensely rewarding experience. Embrace every moment, tackle challenges head-on, and revel in the diverse array of opportunities that await you. Your time here will undoubtedly be a chapter you'll look back on with fondness and gratitude.

And finally, if you could sum up your experience at the University of Winchester in three words what would they be?

Interesting, enlightening and exciting.


*modules mentioned in this blog subject to change


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