Welcome to Archaeology
When it comes to archaeology, few places in the UK have more to offer than Winchester. It was Roman Venta Belgarum (the market place of the Belgii tribe) and the Anglo-Saxon capital of the Kingdom of Wessex. These days, Winchester is better known for its outstanding medieval architecture and institutions, including the splendid Cathedral, Bishop’s Palace and Winchester College. Along with regional monuments such as Stonehenge and Fishbourne Roman villa, these provide a rich teaching resource located within easy travelling distance from the University.
First established as a degree in the mid-1970s, Archaeology became a thriving department in the early '90s. In 2023, Archaeology was subsumed into the School of History, Archaeology and Philosophy, alongside History; Philosophy, Religion & Ethics; Anthropology; and Classical Studies. In 2025, this became the School of Humanities, with the incorporation of English and Creative Writing.
At Winchester, you can study Archaeology on its own or in combination with other subjects in which the School has expertise. Research students are accepted in any subject area for which we have staff expertise, capacity permitting.
Explore our rich course offering
Exciting fieldwork opportunities
Our archaeologists are currently working as far afield as the Caribbean and the Caucasus, on periods ranging from the Palaeolithic to the Second World War. Students have the opportunity to join staff on many of these research projects.
A group of students recently joined our consultancy arm ARCA on the Mammoth Graveyard Quarry project, a dig that combined archaeology and palaeontology - and sparked a BBC documentary!
To find out more about our research projects, explore the tabs below.
A Winchester Archaeology degree is a solid foundation for many different types of careers, not just in archaeology. We are members of University Archaeology UK - visit the UAUK website to hear the experiences of archaeology graduates in the video Archaeology for a Range of Careers.
Over the years we have developed strong external relationships and students have been able to do placements with a wide variety of organisations, in many cases leading to subsequent employment.
Our BA/BSc Archaeology and Archaeological Practice programmes are accredited by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA). This recognises our emphasis on vocational, practical skills and the high quality of the teaching/training we offer, which includes excavation techniques, geomatics and project management.
Image top: Students digging at Magdalen Hill just outside Winchester; this fascinating multi-phase site is currently our main training excavation. Find out more about the Magdalen Hill Archaeological Research Project (MHARP)
Meet the team
Academic team
- Dr Nick Thorpe, Principal Lecturer in Archaeology and Head of School
- Dr Paul Everill, Reader in Archaeology
- Prof. Niall Finneran, Professor of Historical Archaeology and Heritage Studies
- Dr Monika Knul, Senior Lecturer in Archaeological and Geographical Geomatics
- Dr Phil Marter, Senior Lecturer in the Archaeology of the Recent Past
- Dr Simon Roffey, Reader in Medieval Archaeology
- Dr Katy Soar, Senior Lecturer in Classical Archaeology
- Prof. Keith Wilkinson, Professor of Geoarchaeology
Emeritus Professors
- Prof. Tom James, Em. Prof. in Archaeology and History
- Prof. Tony King, Em. Prof. in Roman Archaeology
Research and Laboratory Staff
- Dr David Ashby, Laboratory Manager
Our research
Current and recent projects and research strengths
Research strengths
We have particular expertise in:
- Local and regional history and archaeology
- Prehistoric archaeology
- Ancient, Classical and medieval archaeology
- Conflict archaeology
- Applied archaeological techniques
- Geomatics e.g. GIS
- Heritage Studies and Cultural Resource Management
- Environmental and geoarchaeology
- Osteoarchaeology
The Search for Alfred the Great, Winchester
The Magdalen Hill Archaeological Research Project, Winchester
Meonstoke Roman Excavation Project, near Winchester
The Mammoth Graveyard Quarry project, near Swindon
The Archaeology of Royal Hunting Lodges, New Forest
South Devon Rivers Discovery Project, Devon
National and international
Greek archaeology, particularly the Bronze Age Aegean
The history and representation of archaeology
The Archaeology of Medieval Hermitages Project
The Palaeolithic Archaeological Potential of Pleistocene Deposits in England Project
Anglo-Georgian Expedition to Nokalakevi, Georgia
PAGES (Pleistocene Arachaeology, Geochronology and Environment of the Southern Caucasus)
Caribbean cultural heritage research and knowledge exchange projects
WWII aviation archaeology/battlefield archaeology
Naqada Archaeological Regional Survey and Site Management Project, Egypt
Postgraduate research supervision
We offer research supervision in a wide range of subjects. To find out more, explore our academic staff profile pages above for individual areas of supervision or use the Find an Expert search bar below.
Consultancy and contract research
ARCA is Archaeology's successful consultancy arm. Established in 2005, it carries out work locally as well as further afield, from Bristol to continental Europe. ARCA has particular expertise in geoarchaeology, geomatics and geophysics.
Highlight recent ARCA project: The Mammoth Graveyard Quarry, the dig that sparked a documentary
Research facilities
We have dedicated specialist facilities and we are excellently equipped to undertake both fieldwork and laboratory-based projects.